Sunday, January 16, 2011

Things to not forget to bring to college while packing your final suff

What to bring to college? That is the question every student asks. I wish I could say, you cant bring to much, but if your living in a dorm you truly can. In some situations you can get away with bringing to much but it depends on what it exactly is and your situation. For instance if you don't know if you have room for that recliner, bring it along and if don't send it home with your parents. If your parents aren't coming, this wouldn't be a smart thing to do. In general during your first trip back home, bring more things down as you will know by then which things will fit and what things you will need.
  • Bedding - Bring a nice comforter, pad, pillow, and liner for your bed. Bring a bed without the liner if you aren't provided with one.
  • Laptop/Desktop - Even though they have a computer lab, a computer is always nice to have.
  • Printer -  A small printer is nice for those last minute assignments.
  • Clothes
  • Outerwear - If it's cold there or rains a lot make sure you remember a jacket
  • Games
  • Simple tool kit - hammer, nails, screw driver
  • Posters
  • Loft- If your college allows it bring one. Otherwise you'll be shorted a lot of room
  • Mini Fridge 
  • Food/Beverages
  • Writing supplies
  • Flash drive
  • TV/Video Games/Videos
  • Alarm clock
  • Nice computer chair  - It's nice to be comfortable while doing your homework
  • Bike and a GOOD Lock
  • Running shoes
  • Swimming suit - Didn't think of that one did you?
  • Laundry basket
  • Dry erase board / markers
  • Toiletries 
  • _________ (Fill in what I forgot, I meant to put it there...)
In most situations you can get away with forgetting a few things. You can just buy it when you get there or you can get it when you come back home. You might have to live without it until winter break, but at least you'll get it eventually